Joplin Globe from Joplin, Missouri (2024)

F. ENLOW RITES WILL BE HELD TODAY Ices for Retired Mine Opera. tor to Re Conducted by Res W. Ime. Society News uneral services for breakfast picnic 8 30 Cniou 81 sears old 4301 Ladies Day Twin Hills Golf pt retired mine operator wholand Country Club I at clock Sundas morn Temple Aid Sisterhood -Unitin St John's hospital will he ed Hebron temple ducted A1 11 clock this I (lub Are I ning at the Stove Parker laced 1915 Penn ave nel The Ret 14 Love will crate nuP covered dish luncheon noon, Mrs Bertie Thaver co hostess raveside rites will he con tpri hi the Blendulle 1 0 Worthwhile class Villa Heights Methodist church covered dish el ends mai at the mortuars Tingles and Mrs in Fall cemeters supper 6 30 Mrs Gertrude Patterson until the funeral hour will ho hostesses onorari pallbearers Amoma Schulte Fduard Tones Fm class Connor Avenue Orville Tackson Baptist Johnson church 1730 Annie Mrs Baxter William Grant ave ver Frank Burrese nue 7 Mesenck 30 Mrs Theora Campbell Joe Dor1771 Store assistant hostess th Al Walker and Earl Alathean class First Baptist mes church McCleNand park, picnic -tie pa'lbearets will be lar supper 7 Stregel Clarence Peters Pi Beta Phi rush parts Ferguson lohn Hamm L.

A Spu 1221 Crest tors and Paul Thornton Drive, 7 30 2 REN ENLOW. Enlow was the father of En'ou 3524 Toplin avenue engraver for the Toplin De and Lous Herald He lad a patiert In the hospital August 3 or at I avnestille Mo ch 15 1870 Mr Enlou came ophin with his parents when. A a 5 tears nld He became' in mining in the Toplin a when 13 tears old and op ted several of the best pro INg mines in the parlo date retired from mining in 1930 emploved in the cit 11c utilities appartment In he retired to his farm at returning to Jophn Enlov was past noble nd of the Blendville I 0 0 re and was last charter mber of the lodge He was a' rter member and active in Izaak Walton League And tributed to the development REG. 224.95 M.W DE LUXE 7 CU. FT.

REFRIGERATOR 17788 27 00 Down, on Terms full 35-16 pacity freezer in low priced MW De Lure' Food F-achener for fruits, Jiffy tray releases trays cube releases Removebla 599 buy nowl FORECAST. Rachel class, First church Cunningham park. Mr and Mre and sons Mark and Kent of Cen tertille Iowa who have siting at the home of her ents Mr and Mrs Gardner of Oakland left for Golden Citi for a visit with his father Stansheirs Mics Barbara Bond 419 Jark son avenue has returned Houston Tex where she the guest of Miss Barbara Ed formerly of Joplin, Mr and Mrs Edward Lan dreth children lane Ann and Frederick have returred to their home in Aorman after a visit here with their parente Mr land Mrs Harry Landreth 4231 North Moffet avenue and Mr and Mrs Gardner of Oak land Mrs Lillie Hall 1512 14 all at enue was nonored at a dinner at her home Sundar in obser ance nt her sevents seventh Attending the dinner were Mr and Mrs Dale Irwin and children Leon Patti and Robby Mr and Mrs Irwin and son George and Mrs Dorothy Wool en and son Paul, of Columbus Mr and Mrs Forest Irwin and children Touce 'and Kendall of Labette han Mrs Lillie Higdon and children Judi and Dallas of Springfield Mr. and Mrs Jack Gibb and children Lundia and Rohir and Mrt Cuba Kimmons and chil dren Karen and Susan of Tulsa Mrs Ona Comer of Kansas Cats and Mr and Airs of the Walton lakes He was a member of the First Meth church Surviving are his widou Mrs Ottilie Enlow one other con Ernest of St Louis for merl emplosed In the a' cal department of The Globe and Nous Herald and four grandchildren and four great grand. children SAVE 47.00 SAVE 30.00 REG.

334.95 435-LS. CAPACITY M.W FREEZER Wards meet popular pedal for the aver. go fan 'y' Counterbalanced lid 144 299" Baskets. dividers. Freezer walle weal sweat 64.00 DOWN 0649 A ed Mrs Kingsborough's brother Cox and family at 1ch Wash The Yakima valley and other places of interest en route home The Ruth class of the Empire Avenue Baptist church met Fri dav night at the home of Mrc1 nue Mrs Beulah Sheffler prosid Myrtle Weston A 1804 Porter ave ed and Mrs Dan Turnbull the opening praver The dos tons 'were in charge of MIs Loren Hartles Plans uere made for an annual class picnic Au gust 15 at Schifferdecker park During the social hour games: were played and refreshments served 8 MIs Kathryn Verink has re turned to her home in Muscatine Iou a after spending several peks with her sister MIs Vivian A Daniel 926 Chestnut! avenue While here she under he went major surgers at Freeman and convalesced at the sisters home Mrs Edgar Willauer and daughter Donna Marie of Phonixville Pa are visiting her sis ter Mrs Loud Reps at the Zahn apartments Master and Mrz Ar thur (hater and little daughter Chers! of Laguna Beach Calif are visiting Mis hates mother Mrs 1 Frank Walker at the Mayflower apartments and the child great grandmother Mrs Mars Chaves Most A street and other relatives Sergeant haves 14 stationed with the marine air corps at Del Tora air base Ser geant and Mrs harps Thursday to Detroit and Chicago for a visit will remain here with her grardmother Linda Fielding celebrated her fourth birthda: anniversary with A parti August 7 at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Fielding 1901 Central avenue' Games were plated and prizes won hi Stephen Cates and Tom mie Carpenter Those present vere Sharon Robinson Tanie lking Carolin Fast Tommie Car PUBLIC SALE Armstrong and son Jimmie.

of Overland Park Kan Guests dur. ing the das were Milton W' Hall Mr and Mrs John Hall and chil dren Mars and Dorothi Sue Joplin Mrs Olive Douthitt. Mr Mrs Carl Shepherd and son Jack of Diamond and Mr an! Mrs Ras Senter of Joplin Mr and Mis John kin month 713 Chestnut avenue have returned from Columbia Mo where they visited their grandson and wife, Mr and Mrs John Kinmonth Are Laura Moslev route 3 announces the marriage of her daughter Carole Ann Mosley to Lule Sill con of Mr and Mrs Lillian Sill 312 North Schifferdecker avenue The cere moni took place earl Sundar morning August 5 in the Me' 1 orlist church at Huntsville Ark with the pastor officiating The bride who was attended hi a cousin Mrs Paul De laul of Catt wars a with white accessories. Her sage was of white car Sill brother of the groom served as beetman Four teen members of the immediate (families made up the wedding parts and following the cere mons a small reception was held Lin the home of Mr and Ars Thomas Mrs Foster a and Toplin Mrs Tohn! Foster route Keller aunts of the bride served the wedding cake and other refrechments The bride tended Carl Junction high schonl The couple will reside here Dr and Mrs 0 kings borough and children Anne and Paul 2801 East Fifteenth street and Mrs kingshorough broth er Paul Cox of Kansas (tv have returned from A a vacation trip in the northwest The visit ATTI.EA FoR frech APPA: Holetein cox freer racha row fresh 2 das Ho rom frech 3 cal das zuern cal das Ho (nu morthe das 'rern 5 cal a rav Hol frech 3 ne ca ca nE ta oh cot cou Epr hen Ho FERLY Red ent hears spr nter heats rotr 5 min APE 4 ZA hast anc He sto con 1 1P9 10 morth. 14 old ht 1 Ho Ho hi Fate been mid Ea 421 Fo rot Crade he nEer Holete Tree good prod nEer Ho and a lot of re DEer cox FARM TOOLS mor he zal ach man £2 1 1942 model In ergot ora mon he tractOr 1 10-0 ton Cher-alet roT fresh 1330 model pence con pickup her baler 1 a de northe cal da Cuene set of cult 12 ore for A FOrIrZO 1 Guerr Interrat Ana 2 bottom con heart springer Gue-see- Interra ona manure spreader old heats Interna moral CORP MORAn beats Ir ernat oral power akent! neer con Pr Den 1 rom 1 daz heron nEer MILKING FQUIPMENT 2 mor he cal ca 1 7 uri I risore milking Guerose rAn feen 2 month: Internat ona car milk con er dar Pore pred To -cat ror Electric 5 can tni cooler 2 mon Gue-nee- rack 40 milk cane 1 2 sat fresh mon're 1 Guern to of mince artic CHARLES W.

JOHNSON, Owner Tons Martin And Cami Jr Whitmare AncHancers Located mile past of Lowell Kans. or 2 miles east. then miles north and mile east of Ratter Springs, Kansas or 312 miles nest of Galena Kans on 21st Brand Starting at 11:00 A. on Wednesday. August 15, 1951 JOPLIN Montgomery Appliance ENDS Take advantage of these fine M- valuesget even greater savings now than at Wards lar low prices, with Wards famous Satisfaction-oryour-money-back guarantee.

You will find price reductions in all major appliance lines, $5 DOWN HOLDS 70.95 VENTED GAS HEATER On Terms, 71.88 Down Special savings now heater combines radiant and circulat ng Conste- angeal steel cab mate Hag's 4 10 5 rooms 5-6 roe- was 07 95. new 79 8g Heater Fan 16 45 penter David Comstock, Marilyn Harbaugh Bobbie Tavlor Donna Power Steve Sandra Powers Jimmie Wilcoasin and, inda Fielding was assicted in entertaining and serving 10 freshments bi Airs Taslor and Mrs Fast A Dr and Mr. Damer and hildren Donald David and Mar ha Ann have returned to their here with his father home In Chillicothe after 2, visit Damer and other relatives Mrs Richard Hill has to her hor In Springfield after a short visit here with her par ents Mr and Mrs Cearnal 1818 Annie Baxter avenue 44 de The second birthdat annier -art of lanet Rae Davis was cele brated with a parts Fridas Au gust 10. at the home of her par ent Mr and Arc Davis 1816 onno: avenue Games were and prizes were 101 wrist 'talches Balloons given as favors and the refreshments were carned out in a pink and white n'or scheme Those present were David Randy, Pat Hatfield and Ga Roll, lena Sicki lames of Springfield Palmer lanet James fart Lunn Davis Mcken An Afrs Ramon Bell Mrs Howard Maher of Mrs Richard Hill of Springfield Mrc Hal Palmer Airs Boyd Davis Mire Clarence Potter Mrs Carl Ander-on Mrs Laus the hostess and guest of honor Mr and Mrs Pat Hale 802 Rex Crossing will go to Kansas Citi toda and plan to attend a performance of Bittersweet at the Starlight theater HANNIBAL MAN NAMED HEAD OF 273RD VETERANS IS hell. of Hannibal 410 as clotted president of the 273rd held artillers battalion, association at A business mort ing Sundar afternoon conc'ud ing a two das convention and re union of the group kelli suc reeds Don Higgins of Toplin Other officers named Sundat laspe: Titone of kan (11; vice BASIC and wore Ar Promptly relieves ITCH -helps heal SKIN RASHES The first apt In ationa of Tomo this modern medicated liqund promptly PROSE relies an intenco strh ng and ho he heal rashes, a nie font pimples ringaorm And lar annoving surface and scalp irrita skin tinne Clean.

stan oce yep AnT time Bu special Erten Strength 7emo for atubhorn cases Avail able at all drugstores ZEMO YOU CANT BUY FINER FLOWERS Nor Can You Find Them More Reasonably paced Farnsworth FLORISTS The House of Fine Floners way MIRACLE for aching Unconditionally Guaranteed PEDOLATI Remora 4 MARTS KING LABORATORIES, TYLER, Absolutely painless net harm tissue! PEDOLATUM: Warts painlessly. Will Sold On A Money- Back contains enough to remove A Warts of a large family Stores. Don't suffer another 19 MIL ABI.E AT Removes Corns, Calluses and Not Harm Normal Tissue Guarantee. A Single Jar the Corns. Calluses and Get it Now at All Leading dayl ANDERSON DRUG.


It's wise to buy where you get high quality at a low price- your Ward store. ON LAYAWAY PLAN. 44 SAVE 26.00 REG 114.95 36" GAS RANGE Save dollery mare' Seeds low or -ed heel control Non het'-3 range with 18 1 Sr16 eve, 8838 grades sell Righting bursars 13 50 Down 7-loplin Globe Tuesday. August 14, 1951. thur Gurule of Boulder, (olo secretars treasurer The reunion nest sear will be held the third Sundar in August at Topeka with Leo to serve as delegate in charge of overall arrangements for the at.

fair A number of other matters wore discussed at the business meeting Some 70 persons attended picnic Sundav afternoon hiffordecker park IS COMING 1 CORMICK IS ANY OLD TIMER" REBUILT 2 YEAR GUARANTEE ONLY COMPLETE ATTACHMENTS WITH 95 7 FULL PRICE LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE IF DESIRED FREE AND FLOOR FOR FREE HOME POLISHER WITH DEMONSTRATION Sprayer THIS CLEANER PLACE IN MO OR ANY KAN. Can CENTER he! EHARRY WICHITA, KANSAS I 146 a Fras Home Demonstration of a Rebut't Llectroluz um in and a 2 -ear ruarantee only $12 95 AMP ADDRESS TORN STATE Pura: Del tor Please Give Directions TEXAS Ea dAT 1 ca eta Ho das Ho Ar da ran tea boa heart fresh cal man 'reen rag rot 1 cAl 'resh cox ern R- nd Red 32 Fol he re I big Farra' aF Interpationa tractor 1 12-0 1 ton 1 10'n crain bnd rammermill 1 machine 1 Gen 1 can waiter es you regu- great in- IN ANY M-W DRUG WEBB BAXTER AND OUT OF OFDERE CIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION SAVE 26.00 DEPENDABLE M.W ECONOMY WASHER 5888 9.00 Down. on Terms Washes 5 re. -de d-y c'oales one 3 vane Sw ec4 on an L- has e11s. ed.

cable pressure With pump 63.88 239.95 AUTOMATIC WASHER 219.88 Ask About w. ,4 clothes 1605 993 had See 135 de-: GNE-S-18 FIFTH AND 877 2 Terms 0649.

Joplin Globe from Joplin, Missouri (2024)


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Author: Edwin Metz

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Author information

Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.